A Survey on Virtual Whiteboard-A Gesture Controlled Pen-free Tool

EOI: 10.11242/viva-tech.01.05.005

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Kamlakant Bag, Siddharth Urankar, Ankita Yadav, Reshma Chaudhari, "A Survey on Virtual Whiteboard-A Gesture Controlled Pen-free Tool", VIVA-IJRI Volume 1, Issue 6, Article 5, pp. 1-6, 2023. Published by Computer Engineering Department, VIVA Institute of Technology, Virar, India.


The computer vision field has been rapidly developing, finding real-world applications, and even surpassing humans in solving some of the visual tasks. All this thanks to the recent advances in artificial intelligence and learning. Object tracking is considered as one the important task within the field of computer vision. A computing process that attempts to recognize and interpret human gestures using mathematical algorithms is known as gesture recognition. With increasing technology each sector needs to be modernized. With the improvement of clever gadgets, the system can now be controlled virtually with the aid of using human gestures. While using paint, sometimes we feel it is difficult to draw and feel like drawing our imagination just by waving our hand. The proposed system is this gap in developing motion-to-text converters which can serve as software for smart wearable devices for writing in the air. The proposed system will use computer vision to track finger movement. This proposed system works on hand tracking system development which aims to track the hand which acts as pen and functions as pen to create or draw different shapes and also as an eraser using Open Computer Vision Library (OpenCV) and Media pipe. The existing project which allows us to draw just by waving hand uses technology or methodology which takes a lot of process and time. Avoiding or decreasing these limitations we came up with this proposed system that uses new technologies and easy methodologies. System Camera is used to track the hand and create drawings.


Neural Network, Machine learning, Open CV, Media pipe.


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