EOI: 10.11242/viva-tech.01.04.194

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Rai Vedan, Raut Harsh, Sankhe Adit, Sankhe Yatharth, "DESIGN AND FABRICATION OF PAPR SYSTEM FOR POWDER COATING", VIVA-IJRI Volume 1, Issue 4, Article 194, pp. 1-5, 2021. Published by Computer Engineering Department, VIVA Institute of Technology, Virar, India.


The project defines the problem faced by the workers in powder coating industries. Powder coating is a process by which electrostatically charged powder is applied on to an earthed object. The health effects that a worker may experience following exposure to a hazardous chemical can become apparent after a short period of time, and includes headaches, nausea or vomiting, dizziness, burns to skin and eyes an irritation to the nose, throat and lungs. Long term health effects include asthma, dermatitis, kidney or liver damage, cancer and central nervous system. The solution for the factors affecting the worker’s health and life, should provide the proper protective equipment. Our design approach provides proper ventilated respiratory system to the person wearing personal protective equipment, with air purification by providing the filters which will purify the air pumped inside the kit.


Air purification, Health, Personal protective equipment, Respiratory system, Safety, Workers.


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