Design of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) for Agricultural Purposes

EOI: 10.11242/viva-tech.01.04.209

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Mihir Chavan, Rupesh Chaudhari, Chinmay Araikar, Rutuja Kaneri, "Design of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) for Agricultural Purposes", VIVA-IJRI Volume 1, Issue 4, Article 209, pp. 1-6, 2021. Published by Computer Engineering Department, VIVA Institute of Technology, Virar, India.


In the present age, there are a lot of improvement in precision agriculture for augmenting the crop productivity. Especially, in the developing countries like India, more than 70% of the rural people depends upon the agriculture fields. The agriculture faces striking losses due to the diseases. These diseases came from the pests and insets, therefore productivity of crops is attenuated. Pesticides and fertilizers are used to eradicate the insects and pests in order to enhance the crop quality. The WHO (World Health Organization) estimated as one million cases of ill effected, when spraying the pesticides in the crop filed manually. The Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) – aircrafts are used to spray the pesticides to avoid the health problems of humans when they spray manually. UAVs can be used easily, where the equipment and labors difficulty to operate. This paper reviews briefly the implementation of UAVs for pesticide spraying.Various parameters like temperature, humidity, rain, etc affect the production rate of crops. Which are natural factors and not in farmers control. The field of agriculture is also depends on some of factors like pests, disease, fertilizers, etc which can be control by giving proper treatment to crops. Pesticides may increase the productivity of crops but it also affects on human health. The Exposure effects can range from mild skin irritation to birth defects, tumors, genetic changes, blood and nerve disorders, endocrine disruption, coma or death. This research paper will show how UAVs can reduce human efforts in various operations of agriculture like spraying of pesticides, spraying of fertilizers, etc. Where dense and very tall rows of crops are in place it is difficult to quickly access centrally located crops on foot or by land vehicle without damaging some crops in the process, but these areas can be safely and rapidly over flown by light weight drone aircraft with no damage to crops.In this research paper we propose a design of the model, which will spray fertilizers and pesticides which can be controlled by remote controller. The model will be a Hexacopter UAV with spraying mechanism. The frame of Hexacopter will be made of Hollow Aluminium pipe with carbon fibre rods inside it which will make the frame light weight and the strength of frame will increase. The arms of Hexacopter are foldable hence the drone becomes compact in size. The spraying mechanism consist of a 2L tank, pump and 4 nozzles for effective spraying, resulting in convenience to the farmers.


UAV, Spraying mechanism, Hexacopter, Frame, Tank, Nozzle, Pump.


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