Structural Health Monitoring Of Bridges By Using Ultrasonic Sensor

EOI: 10.11242/viva-tech.01.04.224

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Mr. Sahil Yadav , Mr. Vinit Patil , Ms. Shravya Pandirkar, Mr. Sanket Yadav, "Structural Health Monitoring Of Bridges By Using Ultrasonic Sensor ", VIVA-IJRI Volume 1, Issue 4, Article 224, pp. 1-5, 2021. Published by Computer Engineering Department, VIVA Institute of Technology, Virar, India.


Bridges are vital components of the Indian surface transportation system and support the growth of this nation’s economy. But recent unexpected collapses and near to collapses of bridges underline the need for effective structural monitoring. There are multiple causes: poor technical state of bridges and roads, failure to traffic rules, vehicle built to modern highway traffic regime As the cost for monitoring and repair is much lower than the cost for reconstruction of new structures, monitoring is vital for civil infrastructure facilities, which form the lifeline of our country’s economy. Current maintenance operations and integrity checks on a wide array of structures require personnel entry into normally-inaccessible or hazardous areas to perform necessary non-destructive inspections. Recently there has been increase in need for adopting smart sensing technologies to SHM so this review focus on sensing, monitoring and assessment for civil infra-structure. At present, the commonly used crack detection methods include physical and electrochemical methods, but there are shortcomings such as large equipment area, low detection frequency, and complex operation. This research develops and validates an array of Ultrasonic sensors for surface crack detection. It is a non-destructive testing (NDT) with potential applications for locating and up monitoring cracks and flaws during structural health management. This research presents the quantitative crack detection capabilities of the Ultrasonic sensor, its performance in actual structural environments, and the prospects for structural health monitoring applications.


Crack detection , Infrastructure , Non-destructive testing , Structural monitoring , Ultrasonic sensor.


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