Prosthetic Arm for Amputees

EOI: 10.11242/viva-tech.01.04.027

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Ms. Haridra Gazzela, Ms. Bhagyashree Shirkar, Ms. Neetu Yadav, Nutan Malekar, "Prosthetic Arm for Amputees", VIVA-IJRI Volume 1, Issue 4, Article 27, pp. 1-6, 2021. Published by Computer Engineering Department, VIVA Institute of Technology, Virar, India.


A robotic arm is a Programmable mechanical arm which copies the functions of the human arm. They are widely used in industries. Human robot-controlled interfaces mainly focus on providing rehabilitation to amputees in order to overcome their amputation or disability leading them to live a normal life. The major objective of this project is to develop a movable robotic arm controlled by EMG signals from the muscles of the upper limb. In this system, our main aim is on providing a low 2-dimensional input derived from emg to move the arm. This project involves creating a prosthesis system that allows signals recorded directly from the human body. The arm is mainly divided into 2 parts, control part and moving part. Movable part contains the servo motor which is connected to the Arduino Uno board, and it helps in developing a motion in accordance with the EMG signals acquired from the body. The control part is the part that is controlled by the operation according to the movement of the amputee. Mainly the initiation of the movement for the threshold fixed in the coding. The major aim of the project is to provide an affordable and easily operable device that helps even the poor sections of the amputated society to lead a happier and normal life by mimicking the functions of the human arm in terms of both the physical, structural as well as functional aspects.


Amputees, Arduino Uno Board, EMG Signals, Human-Robot Controlled Interfaces, Prosthesis System, Servo Motor, Threshold value.


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