EOI: 10.11242/viva-tech.01.04.080

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Mr. Manthan Pawar, Mr. Akash Patil, Mr. Alpesh Shelar, Mr. Amey Varekar, "ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF SUSTAINABLE RESORT ", VIVA-IJRI Volume 1, Issue 4, Article 1, pp. 1-6, 2021. Published by Computer Engineering Department, VIVA Institute of Technology, Virar, India.


Sustainability is at the forefront of discussion regarding the development of our natural environments. With the tourism industry continuing to expand, particularly in developing nations it has become apparent that the sustainability and longevity of developments must be considered.This project explores the meaning of a “sustainable resort” and to identify the opportunities and challenges of developing a “sustainable resort”.The aim of the this project was to analyze existing methods for assessing the sustainability of the development of resort areas, analysis and evaluation of indicators and their impact on sustainable development of the resort area.Sustainable resort is a resort in which we are providing natural and eco-friendly environment for the visitors. In it we are not taking any things artificial or materials which will be harmfully to the environment and human beings.Sustainable resort is a resort which will bring the tourists, visitors close to the nature. There is a lot of stress in the day to day life of individual. Also there is lots of pollution in the cities where we live and offices where we work. Visit to our eco resort and you will find a peaceful and healthy atmosphere.


Sustainability, Sustainable or Eco Resort


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