5G Technology in India

EOI: 10.11242/viva-tech.01.05.217

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Namrata Sambhaji Redekar, Roshani Hiraman Bhosure, "5G Technology in India", VIVA-IJRI Volume 1, Issue 5, Article 217, pp. 1-7, 2022. Published by Computer Engineering Department, VIVA Institute of Technology, Virar, India.


The entire world is moving with mobility at an ultra-fast speed in the utmost minimum time but in India the situation is different, With the creating passion of high data speed in India and addition in the amount of customers from the latest period the present development of 3G and 4G won't have the choice to satisfy the requiring services of the customers ? In this manner the evolution of the best framework called as 5G Technology is significant. As the expectation of the public increases with the advancement of technology comes into picture, the services that can be obtained using the telecom networks have extended. In This paper we will summarize the main initiatives toward 5G technology in India. This paper briefly discusses how this technology will provide changes or a huge impact on India, apart from this we discuss the architecture and working of 5G, its features, Benefits and we have also outlined the broader usage of 5G and its future impacts on our lives. We discuss the Reality of 5G in India and what are the main challenges India is facing in launching 5g. How to tackle them. Furthermore, at the end of each subtopic the necessary recommendations are given.


5G Technology, evolution, framework, telecom networks, ultra-fast speed


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