Speed Control of DC Motor by Various Methods

EOI: 10.11242/viva-tech.01.05.037

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Aditi Gijbile, Vrushali Kumbhar, Surekha Velpada, Prof. Kavita Mhaskar, "Speed Control of DC Motor by Various Methods", VIVA-IJRI Volume 1, Issue 5, Article 37, pp. 1-5, 2022. Published by Computer Engineering Department, VIVA Institute of Technology, Virar, India.


DC motors are easier to control than AC motors; hence they are widely used in industries where speed is varied according to the requirement. Speed Control mechanism in DC motor is that we cannot change their speed like the way we change the speed of synchronous motor or induction motor by changing their input voltage frequency. Instead, methods like flux control, voltage control are applied to control speed. Therefore, DC motors are preferred over AC motors. Hence, there is a need for a speed control method that will help us control the motor’s speed efficiently. In this system, we focus on making a system in which can help students to get to know about the speed control methods used for a dc motor. Here we use three types of speed control methods for DC motors are used viz. Speed Control Using Arduino Nano, Chopper Circuit, and Pot-Transistor Circuit. These speed control methods can be used consecutively.


DC motor, Speed control, PWM, Arduino Nano, Chopper, Armature Voltage Control, MOSFET.


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