Design and fabrication automated scavenger sewage machine

EOI: 10.11242/viva-tech.01.05.001

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Prem N. Sahani, Chetan B. Sable, Prajyot V. Naik, Abhishek G. Shinde, "Design and fabrication automated scavenger sewage machine", VIVA-IJRI Volume 1, Issue 5, Article 42, pp. 1-6, 2022. Published by Computer Engineering Department, VIVA Institute of Technology, Virar, India.


The proposed concept is to replace the manual work in gutter cleaning by Automated gutter cleaning system. Now-a-days even though mechanical drainage plays a vital role in all domestic and industrial applications in the proper disposal of sewages from domestic, industries and commercials are still a challenging task. Drainage pipes are using for the disposal and unfortunately sometimes there may be loss of human life while cleaning the blockages in the drainage system.The Automated Gutter Cleaning system is a machine which helps to protect the environment from different kinds of environmental hazards through the promotion waste management by the removal of garbage from the drainage system. These wastes when not removed end up settling in residential places where these wastes are burnt thereby causing climate change otherwise these wastes block the drainage systems thereby causing flooding. In this project the proposal concept is to replace the manual work in drainage cleaning by automated system. We know that water has a great importance in human being life, the water flow in drain full of wastes like polythene, bottles etc. The gutters get blocked due to these wastes in water. To overcome this problem and to save human life we implement a design “Automated Gutter Cleaning system” and we have designed our project to use this in efficient way to control the disposal of wastages and with regular filtration of wastages.


Automated,Cleaning,human life,Scavenger,sewage.


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