Automatic Road Cleaner

EOI: 10.11242/viva-tech.01.05.001

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Devendra Dorkar, Raj Nair, Siddhesh Neman, Aakash Chauhan, "Automatic Road Cleaner", VIVA-IJRI Volume 1, Issue 5, Article 58, pp. 1-6, 2022. Published by Computer Engineering Department, VIVA Institute of Technology, Virar, India.


In This Project, We Discuss on Automatic Road Cleaner Machine, In our Country various types of manually operated as well as Electrically Operated Road Cleaner Machine is available in the market but the cost of this equipment are very high. So these machine are not used in small spaces, like in College Area, Industrial Area, and Hospital Area. In This Project an efforts has been made to develop a mechanically operated Road Cleaning Machine, so that it can be used for small space cleaning without pollution. On the other Hand in rural area the road cleaning is done by manual operated which can be hazards to health like asthma, bronchitis etc. to the worker. The cost of mechanically operated Automatic Road Cleaning Machine, is less as compare to electric operated Road Cleaning Machining and machine is economical and comfortable for operating in rural area as well as urban area, and it is suitable on small spaces, and it is eco friendly to user. Basically It is Applicable for BMC workers, as they daily clean roads, Hospital area, School Area,.This machine is useful for them, because of its design it is very efficient for the workers. they can easily store the machine anywhere, and at a time one worker can clean whole area in minimum time.


manually, mechanically, asthma, bronchitis, Road Cleaner, Human Operated, Roller Brush, Dust Collector etc.


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