Smart Interviews Using AI

EOI: 10.11242/viva-tech.01.05.074

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Aditi More, Samiksha Mobarkar, Siddhita Salunke, Reshma Chaudhari, "Smart Interviews Using AI ", VIVA-IJRI Volume 1, Issue 5, Article 74, pp. 1-6, 2022. Published by Computer Engineering Department, VIVA Institute of Technology, Virar, India.


With the advent in technology, a lot of our common things have become smart. But our interviewing system still seems to be stuck at same point. If one has low marks it’s fine but a person with a bad personality cannot be hired even if they are satisfying in other aspects, as they do more harm than good. This is the reason online interviews or chatbots are not preferred as many are of the opinion that although every other detail can be thoroughly checked, there is no way they can correctly have a grasp of the interviewee’s personality.Because of COVID-19 pandemic all interviews are taken online but their concerns have increased regarding the aforementioned point. Taking this into consideration, we have built an interview system that analyzes the personality traits of the candidates with the help of facial and speech emotion recognition whose resumes have been approved. For facial emotion recognition we have used CNN model and for speech emotion recognition we have used Google API. .


Artificial Intelligence, Convolutional Neural Network, Deep Neural Network, Facial Emotion Recognition, personality, Speech emotion recognition .


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