Conference Report NCRENB-2024

Conference Dates: 15th & 16thMarch 2024

Mode of Conference: Offline

The role of an engineer extends far beyond the limits of human imagination and understanding. In the 21st century, the rapid advancements in communication and computing technologies have transformed everyday life. Devices such as mobile phones, CD players, and fax machines are now complemented by digital broadcast radio and television, offering more channels and significantly improved sound and picture quality. Science and Technology (S&T) play a crucial role in driving industrial, economic, and social progress. It is essential for universities, public and research institutions, industries, and governments to collaborate more closely and recognize the importance of S&T in fostering sustainable development across economic, social and industrial sectors.


The primary objective of the National Conference is to enhance knowledge in building sciences, with a focus on building and construction. It aims to address long-term challenges in the sector through systematic research and development, offer support in meeting immediate needs where expertise is essential, and facilitate the dissemination of knowledge and technology transfer. Topics of Interest in NCRENB 2024 are as follows:

1) Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
2) Electrical Engineering
3) Computer Engineering
4) Mechanical Engineering
5) Civil Engineering
6) Humanities & Applied Science
7) Master of Computer Applications

NCRENB 2024 was organized in association with University of Mumbai, VIVATech IJRI and ICT Academy.


Conference Statistics:

Track wise Paper Statistics: Selection

Sr. No. Track Name Track Papers Internal Review CRC
1 Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering EXTC 7 7 7
2 Electrical Engineering ELECT 19 19 19
3 Computer Engineering COMP 28 28 26
4 Civil Engineering CIVIL 28 28 28
5 Mechanical Engineering MECH 29 29 24
6 Humanities & Applied Science HUMA 3 3 3
7 Master of Computer Applications MCA 31 31 31
Total 145 145 143


Sr. No. Conference Registration Statistics: Track Total CRC Registered/Recovery Non Registered
1 EXTC 7 7 7 0
2 ELECT 19 19 19 0
3 COMP 26 26 26 0
4 CIVIL 28 28 28 0
5 MECH 29 29 29 0
6 HUMA 3 3 3 0
7 MCA 31 31 31 0
Total 143 143 143 2


Sr. No. Papers Counts
1 Total Paper Submissions 143
2 Accepted Full Papers for VIVA-TECH IJRI IN Progress
3 Total Accepted Papers 143
4 Acceptance Rate


A total of 145 papers were submitted, of which 143 were accepted. The paper submission process was managed online through the system at Plagiarism checks were conducted using the Plagiarism Checker-X software. Each paper underwent a review process by both internal and external reviewers, with a minimum of two reviews per paper—one from an internal (VIVA TECH) reviewer and one from an external reviewer. All external reviewers were highly qualified and experienced experts in the field. The final approval for uploading the papers to VIVA-TECH IJRI was granted by the program convener, Dr. Arun Kumar. Selected papers will be published in a UGC CARE journal.



A two-day National Conference was held at VIVA Institute of Technology, Virar, on March 15th and 16th, 2024. The 12th edition of the NCRENB conference, organized annually by VIVA Institute of Technology in March, was held in collaboration with ICT Academy and VIVA Tech IJRI. The conference aimed to provide a platform for students and researchers to present their research papers to peers and experts, while also hosting seminars on how college students can contribute to nation-building.

This year, 143 researchers and students participated, representing various departments including Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electronics and Telecom Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, and Master of Computer Applications. The conference commenced with an inaugural ceremony, where the Principals of VIVA Campus lit the lamp, followed by Saraswati Poojan. Dr. Arun Kumar, Principal of VIVA Institute of Technology, addressed the dignitaries in the hall.

The keynote session was delivered by Mr. Manish Sharma, CTO of Kanalytics (Kailasa Analytics & Services Pvt Ltd), who spoke on “Cloud Computing.” Following this, students presented their research papers across different departmental sessions. The conference concluded on March 16, 2024, with the closing ceremony, where prizes were awarded for the best papers in each section, and the Best Student of the Year Award was announced.

Overall Response:

  • Expected delegates: 145 (Registered)
  • Total delegates : 15 (Attended)
  • Percentage turn out : 160
  • Total Resource persons : 16

Events organized

  • Paper presentation – 143 papers

The conference received highly positive ratings from the delegates, with the following remarks:

  • The technical content was highly regarded for its depth and research orientation.
  • While creativity was present, there is room for further enhancement.
  • Hospitality was exceptional, ensuring a welcoming environment for all attendees.
  • The staff members were cooperative and provided valuable support throughout the event.

Prepared By:

Prof. Archana Ingle
(NCRENB 2024, Co-Convener)

Prof. Karishma Raut
(NCRENB 2024,Coordinator)

Prof. Meena Perla
(NCRENB 2024 , Organizing Committee)


Approved By:

Dr. Arun Kumar
(NCRENB 2024-Convener)
(Principal – VIVA Institute of Technology, Mumbai, Maharashtra)


Click on National Conference Proceeding: NCRENB – 2024 Proceeding